Is Sculptra better than Botox?

Is Sculptra better than Botox?

Botox is still the most popular facial filler treatment, especially among Hollywood celebrities. However, a new treatment is gaining popularity quickly – Sculptra. It’s quickly becoming as popular as Botox, and may even take the top spot in the future. Sculptra, a poly-L-lactic acid solution, has been used for many years in dissolvable surgical stitches. […]

How Dermal Fillers Enhance Your Natural Beauty

Dermal Fillers Enhance Natural Beauty

Dermal fillers are becoming an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure. When you think of dermal fillers, the first thing you probably think of is a way to reduce the signs of aging. Although fillers are definitely an effective way of smoothing out facial lines and filling in the volume lost over the years, that’s not the […]

The 3 Most Popular Cosmetic Injectables

The 3 Most Popular Cosmetic Injectables

To learn about three of the most popular cosmetic injectables, read on in this blog from Prive Plastics. What Is A Cosmetic Injectable? Cosmetic injectables are a popular choice for reducing facial wrinkles and lines. With cosmetic injectable treatments, clients do not need to undergo intensive surgical procedures and endure a long recovery process. Two […]

The Best Age To Get Botox

The Best Age To Get Botox

If you wonder how Botox injections can help you feel your best at every age, read on in this guide from Prive Plastics. Am I At An Age Where I Can Benefit From Botox? Botox injections are an invaluable cosmetic treatment because they can be used to treat a variety of concerns. Although adults of […]

Achieving The Ultimate Jawline

Achieving The Ultimate Jawline

Dr. Wu often meets men and women who want a perfect jawline. A sharp and well-defined jawline has long been considered a sign of health and youthfulness. The jawline can be a difficult body part to define, and diet and exercise may not be enough to address the issues of cheeks, loose skin, or small […]

How Botox Reduces Stress And Anxiety

How Botox Reduces Stress And Anxiety

In this guide from Prive Plastics, we explain how Botox can reduce stress and anxiety. How Can Botox Injections Help Reduce Stress And Anxiety?  When you live with anxiety, you may experience difficulty with everyday activities due to excessive worry or fear. This is because anxiety attacks the central nervous system by sending an alarm […]

How Facials Benefit Your Skin

How Facials Benefit Your Skin

It is no secret that a facial can transform your face and skin. Most people follow a daily skincare routine at home. However, professional skincare will optimize your skincare results. Prive Mobile Concierge has a wide range of different facial treatments available and below we will talk about all their benefits.  How Can Facials Benefit […]

8 Signs You Can Benefit From Laser Skin Resurfacing

8 Signs You Can Benefit From Laser Resurfacing

For 8 signs your skin can benefit from laser resurfacing, read on. What Is Laser Skin Resurfacing With The mJOULE System? mJOULE laser resurfacing is a state-of-the-art treatment option for improving the look of your skin. It utilizes both ablative and non-ablative laser technology to target and treat a variety of skin issues. Ablative lasers, […]

The 4 Best Cosmetic Treatments For Wintertime

The 4 Best Cosmetic Treatments For Wintertime

If you want to learn more about the 4 best cosmetic treatments to pamper yourself with from the Prive Mobile Concierge, read on. What Are The 4 Best Cosmetic Treatments For The Wintertime? If you’re ready to rejuvenate your appearance for the new year or take advantage of winter vacation days, these are 4 cosmetic […]

Top 6 Parts Of The Face That Reveal Your Age

Top 6 Parts Of The Face That Reveal Your Age

If you’re wondering how to treat and address 6 parts of your face that could reveal your age, read on. Why Are Injectable Neurotoxins And Dermal Fillers So Popular? Cosmetic injectables, such as Botox and dermal fillers, are becoming increasingly popular around the globe. This is due to their efficacy, safety, and convenience. These non-surgical […]