Breast Lift 101: Everything You’ve Wanted To Ask

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Breast Lift 101: Everything You’ve Wanted To Ask

As we all consider ways to look and feel our best, many individuals seek ways to enhance their physical appearance and boost their confidence. One such option gaining popularity is breast lift surgery, a transformative procedure that can redefine the contours of the breasts and restore a youthful appearance. In this comprehensive guide from Prive Plastics in FL, we’ll delve into the details of breast lift surgery, exploring its benefits and what makes a good candidate.

What Is A Breast Lift?

A breast lift procedure, also known as mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure designed to lift and reshape sagging breasts. Factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and the natural aging process can contribute to the loss of breast firmness and shape. A breast lift addresses these concerns by removing excess skin, tightening surrounding tissues, and repositioning the nipples to achieve a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing appearance. As of 2000, statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons report that the popularity of breast lift procedures have grown 70%.

What Can A Breast Lift Address?

Over time, our bodies change and breasts can lose their shape, firmness, and skin elasticity due to a number of factors, such as aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, gravity, or hereditary factors.

Candidates for a breast lift typically include individuals who are dissatisfied with the sagging or drooping of their breasts. Ideal candidates may also exhibit one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Sagging Breasts: A noticeable sagging or drooping of the breasts, often accompanied by stretched skin and downward-pointing nipples.

  • Loss of Volume: Breasts that have lost volume and appear flattened or deflated.

  • Nipple Position: Nipples that fall below the breast crease or point downward.

  • Asymmetry: Significant breast asymmetry, where one breast is lower or sags more than the other.

  • Stretched Areolas: Enlarged areolas due to breast sagging.

Am I A Good Candidate For A Breast Lift?

It is essential for individuals considering breast lift surgery to be in good overall health, have realistic expectations, and understand the potential risks and benefits associated with the procedure. Dr. Wu will be happy to go over your medical history and answer any questions you may have during your consultation. Candidates who plan to become pregnant should delay a breast lift, as breasts can stretch during pregnancy and impact the results of a breast lift.

While breast lift procedures can be done on breasts of all sizes, it is worth noting that candidates with smaller breasts may have longer-lasting results, whereas the longevity of results may be affected when larger, heavier breasts are treated.

Breast lift surgery does not significantly change the size of a candidate’s breasts. For candidates that want fuller breasts after their procedure, ask Dr. Wu about combining a breast lift and breast augmentation. For candidates who desire smaller breasts, consult Dr. Wu about both a breast lift and breast reduction.

What To Expect From A Breast Lift Procedure

During the procedure, Dr. Wu will remove excess skin while reorganizing the shape and placement of tissue within the breast. These processes will restore contour, position tissues higher relative to the breast line, and restore lift and fullness to the breast. The procedure will involve the following steps:

  • Anesthesia – Anesthesia is part of undergoing a breast lift. However, patients may opt for either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. 

  • Incision – An incision will be made from the areola to the breast’s crease. A horizontal incision may be necessary for women requiring extensive surgical correction.

  • Enhancement – Following the incision, excess tissue and the breasts can be removed and reshaped. During this process, the areola may also be repositioned and resized.

  • Closing the Incision – Once the lift is completed, the incision will be sealed using sutures. Whenever possible, the incisions will be placed in a way that leaves them hidden by the natural contour of the breast when they heal.

What To Expect From Recovery and Aftercare

After breast lift surgery, a proper recovery and aftercare regimen is crucial to ensure optimal results and minimize complications. Follow Dr. Wu’s instructions regarding rest, medication, and the use of compression garments is crucial for a smooth recovery.

Strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided in the early stages of recovery. Gradual reintroduction of exercise is typically permitted as the healing progresses. Regular follow-up appointments with Dr. Wu are scheduled to monitor healing, address any concerns, and ensure the best possible outcome. Typically, patients can expect to resume normal activities within 2-3 weeks.

To maintain a rejuvenated breast profile after your breast lift procedure, wear supportive bras, especially during physical activity. To minimize breast fluctuations, aim for a stable weight. Dr. Wu may offer advice on how to care for your skin to best enhance skin elasticity.

Prive Plastics Is The Choice For All Your Aesthetic Needs

If you wonder if you are a good candidate for a breast lift, breast augmentation, breast reduction or any of our other surgical services, start with a TeleHealth consultation. Dr. Wu offers brow lifts, face and neck aesthetic surgeries, and aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries for the breast and body. After your personalized consultation for surgical services, you can look forward to treatment in a state-of-the-art office in Boca Raton. For customized treatment plans for your face and body, call us today at 561-717-3181.

For clients based in Boca Raton or Palm Beach, FL and interested in skincare and MediSpa services, consider Prive Plastic Surgery’s mobile concierge. With Prive Plastic Surgery’s mobile concierge MediSpa, high-quality, professional aesthetic services such as neurotoxin and dermal filler injections, chemical peels, and laser skin resurfacing can come to you. Enjoy the luxury of attaining your aesthetic goals without ever having to leave the house and our line of skin care to maintain your new results.
